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Dustin Plantholt’s “Life’s Tough, YOU can be TOUGHER!” podcast is honored to feature Andy Andrews, best-selling author, speaker and consultant.
This “Life’s Tough” episode released on June 26, 2019 and is now available on all major podcast networks, under the Podcast Channel “Life’s Tough”.
Andy, a lifelong resident of Alabama, was 19 when both of his parents died within months of each other. During the next few years, he recalls making one bad financial decision after another. He ended up homeless, as a result, sleeping at times under a pier at Gulf Coast State Park on Alabama’s southern coastline.
He also began wondering about the decisions that people make in their lives, and the impact of those decisions. To find answers to his existential inquiries, he went to the public library and eventually read the biographies of more than 200 men and women known for their achievements and perseverance – from George Washington Carver to Anne Frank.
All of the people, whose biographies Andy read, exhibited a common action – each one had made a handful of critical decisions that led them on their paths to prominence. They had not relied on random circumstances to define their lives, they had, instead, made choices. Andy recognized the essence of this approach as the “seven decisions.” He also used this knowledge as the basis for his first New York Times best seller, “The Traveler’s Gift: Seven Decisions That Determine Personal Success.”
Overall, Andy has written more than two dozen books, which have sold in excess of five million copies and have been published in 30-plus languages. His upcoming book (June) is titled, The Bottom of the Pool. Life’s tough – you can be tougher, like Andy Andrews, a respected communicator who continues to show his audiences that success is always an option.
The Bottom of the Pool: Thinking Beyond Your Boundaries to Achieve Extraordinary Results.
Dive deeper with bestselling author Andy Andrews as he shares his unique philosophy regarding foundational thinking. Through his unique and captivating storytelling, Andy helps you search for the reality that lies beyond the boundaries established in the name of “best practices,” “industry standards,” or “the way things are done.” For it’s at the bottom of the pool that you discover a pathway to extraordinary results that most people in your position do not even know are possible.